Studiocm20 is founded by cecilia morosi in 2020,

having workED for 12 years at superfuturedesign*, she decided to take a step forward…

I have always loved travelling, since I was a student i have taken every excuses to go abroad: my final project for my master in architecture was located in China.

graduated with honours from the faculty of Architecture of Florence in 2006, I started working the same year in ASZarchitetti, later called SUPERFUTUREDESIGN*. 

i have been living in Dubai since 2009, where i set up the studio branch in uae. between 2012-2015 I was in Shanghai to follow closely our Chinese projects. i was then back in Dubai in 2015, I have been here ever since...

I became ASZ associate in 2009, partner in 2012. I professionally formed myself at ASZ where I had the opportunity to work on both residential and retail projects, as well as following site constructions. I have been blessed to grow plenty of experience in this short time.

And then:

In 2020 I finally decided it was time to walk on my own… studioCM20 is the name of the new path I have chosen to follow.

The best is yet to come: stay tuned.